Legal Notice

By purchasing a ticket to RagnaRock Music Festival, attendees hereby agree to comply with all event and campground rules, stated or implied. Respectful and considerate behavior towards fellow attendees, staff, and performers is mandatory, and attendees are expected to adhere to all local laws and any security procedures implemented for the safety of all participants. Attendees also acknowledge and assume all risks to life, health, safety, overall wellbeing, damage or loss of property, associated with participation in the event in any form or fashion, releasing the event, its organizers, and anyone in any way affiliated with the event, from any liability whatsoever, icluding, but not limited to, injuries sustained during the event. Parents are reminded that they are responsible for the supervision of their children at all times. Purchasing a ticket signifies explicit acceptance of these terms, and attendees not adhering to these terms may be asked to leave the event without a refund.